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    Current Asbestos Regulations & The Law

    Current Asbestos Regs: Control of Asbestos Regulations (CAW 2012) A free copy of these regulations can be downloaded from the HSE Web Site via this link Knowing the legal limitations and regulations in regards to asbestos is paramount in ensuring your work is carried out correctly and safely. Amiantus are experienced in every aspect of asbestos surveying and effective management of asbestos containing materials. This means we have a sound working knowledge of the current Asbestos Regulations (Control of Asbestos Regulations 2012), including Regulation 4 – The Duty to Manage Asbestos in the NON Domestic Premises. We can advise you on what you can and cannot do in relation to work with asbestos containing materials, including advice on NON Licensed Work & Notifiable NON Licensed Work (NNLW), how your plan of work should be carried out and what the safest procedures are. Amiantus is not involved in Asbestos Removal, therefore we do not have a vested interest in the advice we give. We are qualified asbestos surveyors & consultants and we have our own in-house UKAS Accredited Lab (Asbestos Laboratory Services LLP) who can analyse bulk samples for Asbestos fibres. Please call our dedicated laboratory phone line: 01993 868636 if your require analysis of suspect materials.

    The Law and Working with Asbestos

    Familiarising yourself with the most up to date asbestos regulations may prove helpful, so we’ve listed them here below. If you’d like any more information on our services, our asbestos surveying, or how we can help you, give our friendly, knowledgeable team a call today.

    Mandatory training for workers exposed to asbestos fibres

    Training is mandatory for anyone liable to be exposed to asbestos fibres at work. This includes maintenance workers and others who may come into contact with or disturb asbestos (e.g. cable installers), as well as those involved in asbestos removal work.

    Effective controls for non-licensed asbestos work

    The control limit for asbestos is 0.1 asbestos fibres per cubic centimetre of air (0.1 f/cm3). The control limit should not be taken as a safe level to work at; exposure from work activities involving asbestos must be reduced to as far below the control limit as possible.

    Requirements for licenced work

    The requirements for licensed work remain the same: in many cases, work with asbestos needs to be done by a licensed contractor. This work includes some asbestos removal, all work with sprayed asbestos coatings and asbestos lagging, and most work with asbestos insulation and asbestos insulating board (AIB). Where the work is on bonded asbestos products such as profiled asbestos cement sheeting or asbestos cement slates or flat sheets, it does not usually need to be carried out by a licensed contractor.

    Identifying risk before building or maintenance work begins

    If you want to do any building or maintenance work in premises, or on plant or equipment that might contain asbestos, you need to identify where it is and its type and condition, you can then assess the risks, and manage and control these risks.

    Duty to manage asbestos on premises

    If you’re responsible for maintenance of non-domestic premises, you have a duty to manage the asbestos in them, to protect anyone using or working in the premises from the risks to health that exposure to asbestos causes.

    Maintenance of non-domestic premises

    If you’re responsible for maintenance of non-domestic premises, you have a duty to manage the asbestos in them, to protect anyone using or working in the premises from the risks to health that exposure to asbestos causes

    Keeping ACMs safe

    If existing asbestos containing materials (ACMs) are in good condition and are not likely to be damaged, they should be left in place and have their condition monitored and managed to ensure they are not disturbed.

    Modernising language and changes to reflect other legislation

    Some modernisation of language and changes to reflect other legislation, e.g. the prohibition section has been removed, as the prohibition of supply and use of asbestos is now covered by REACH (Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals Regulations 2006)\r\n

    Ensuring workers are under health surveillance by a Doctor

    All workers/self employed doing notifiable non-licensed work with asbestos must be under health surveillance by a Doctor. Workers who are already under health surveillance for licensed work need not have another medical examination for non-licensed work. Medicals for notifiable non-licensed work are not acceptable for those doing licensed work.

    Notifying relevant authorities for some non-licensed work

    Brief written records should be kept of non-licensed work, which has to be notified e.g. copy of the notification with a list of workers on the job, plus the level of likely exposure of those workers to asbestos. This does not require air monitoring on every job if an estimate of degree of exposure can be made based on experience of similar past tasks or published guidance.\r\n

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