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Asbestos Surveys & Management In Hampshire

Looking for an asbestos survey in Hampshire? Look no further than Amiantus. We’ve been in the industry for many years providing a dedicated asbestos management plan for both domestic and commercial properties.

Managing asbestos is an important aspect of owning any premises. With all new use of asbestos banned at the end of 1999 and its extensive use in building materials from the 50’s right up until the end of the 80’s, detecting asbestos in a building of any such age is a common occurrence. With revised asbestos regulations in 2012, it’s more important than ever to ensure you’re aware of asbestos levels and Asbestos Containing Materials in your building. Here at Amiantus, we’re proud to deliver a comprehensive service that puts you in the picture and helps you take the next steps to full compliance.

Impartial, Reliable Asbestos Surveys

We provide a service that is completely impartial. As we don’t undertake any asbestos removal work ourselves, our practise is entirely focused on delivering a full and accurate survey. With the latest technology we obtain samples that are then sent to a UKAS accredited laboratory, for the most reliable results. Similarly, all our processes are compliant with the requirements of the Health and Safety Executive guidance document HSG 264 Asbestos: The Survey Guide.

A Complete Asbestos Management Solution

With a team of asbestos experts on hand to help, we can advise you on Risk Management and Management of Asbestos Containing Materials; we even provide comprehensive Asbestos Awareness Training and can provide help on your current processes and record keeping. Once completed, you’ll receive a full colour, bound report that provides detail of everything you need, and is the basis of your Duty to Manage compliance. Give us a call today to find out more about our asbestos surveying in Hampshire, or any of our other services.


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