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Asbestos Management Surveys in Oxford & Buckinghamshire

Are you planning to refurbish or demolish a building constructed before 2000? If so, you will need an asbestos management survey. Amiantus has accredited surveyors who can carry out this type of survey in Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire.

Before 2000, asbestos was a popular construction material. Although it is now banned in UK, it is still present in many buildings. Any disturbance to asbestos could result in the release of dangerous fibres, which are known to cause major health issues. There are strict regulations relating to asbestos, due to the need to limit any exposure to harmful fibres.

Whether you are a property owner or a landlord, you are required to conduct a management survey for asbestos for building occupants’ safety. Also, if you are a business manager, you need to be aware of the Control of Asbestos at Work Regulations 2002. Regulation 4 ‘The Duty to Manage Asbestos in Non-Domestic Properties (Revised 2006 & 2012)’ created an explicit duty to assess and manage asbestos risks.

What does a Management Survey involve?

The purpose of a management survey is to locate the presence and extent of any suspect Asbestos Containing Materials (ACMs). Whenever a building or site could be damaged or
disturbed, there is a risk of asbestos fibres being released into the air. Management surveys will often involve minor intrusive work and some disturbance. The extent of this intrusion will vary depending on the type of building, the nature of construction and accessibility.

Our management survey includes an asbestos register and assessment of the condition of the various Asbestos Containing Materials (ACMs). We look at their ability to release fibres if they are disturbed in some way. This ‘material assessment’ gives us a good initial guide for prioritising the management of ACMs. The survey usually involves sampling and analysis to confirm the presence or absence of asbestos.

A management survey can also presume the presence or absence of asbestos. Therefore, our survey could involve a combination of approaches. Any materials presumed to contain asbestos must be assessed in terms of their condition.

What are the benefits of choosing an Amiantus Management Survey?

Amiantus is one of the few companies that are strictly independent. We have no affiliation with any asbestos removal companies. Our qualified asbestos surveyors and consultants will advise you on best practice when it comes to works involving asbestos containing materials. We have our own in-house UKAS Accredited Lab (Asbestos Laboratory Services LLP). Using advanced technology within our dedicated laboratory, we can analyse bulk samples for asbestos fibres. All samples analysed in our onsite laboratory are UKAS accredited to ISO17025 for Polarised Microscopy Analysis for asbestos in bulk samples.

Stay safe and compliant with Amiantus

For landlords, property owners and commercial managers, the importance of compliance cannot be underestimated. Keeping building occupants safe should always be your top priority, as well as complying with the latest asbestos regulations. Our surveys and sampling techniques are carried out in strict accordance with the Health and Safety Executive Guidance document HSG 264 Asbestos: The Survey Guide.

If you are planning to carry out building works and require an Asbestos Management Survey, please contact us.


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