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    Identifying Asbestos

    Not sure how to identify asbestos? There is only one way to know for certain whether your building has asbestos containing materials, and that is by contracting an experienced team of specially-trained surveyors to carry out comprehensive tests that deliver reliable results. Here at Amiantus, we’re proud to offer top-level environmental consultancy, and as asbestos experts, we can quickly, thoroughly, and efficiently survey your site no matter how big or small it may be. Of course, there are some aspects to be aware of before the survey takes place.


      • The Year: If your premises were built around or prior to 1990’s, there’s a good chance asbestos will have been used in its construction. It is worth remembering that some properties even later than this time period also utilised asbestos.


      • The Place: Asbestos can occur just about anywhere throughout a building; from floor and ceiling tiles, to insulation materials such as lagging and fireproofing. With so many areas potentially affected, keep this in mind whenever you’re planning works to the property.


    • The Use: With thousands of materials now known to contain asbestos, almost any building built prior to the 1990’s will contain asbestos in one form or another. Having determined asbestos materials are present does not necessarily mean the asbestos will need to be removed, but an effective management plan must be put in place and reviewed on a regular or annual basis.

    The Most Reliable Way to Identify Asbestos in Your Home or Building

    At Amiantus, we don’t carry out the asbestos removal ourselves. This makes us one of the most reliable and transparent environmental consultancy providers around, allowing us to be completely unbiased in our findings. We have nothing to gain from finding asbestos, and as such will only ever provide a comprehensive, dependable survey for you. Our friendly, knowledgeable team can advise you on next steps no matter the findings, and are always on hand to answer any and all questions our clients may have. Give us a call today to find out more about our asbestos survey services or to begin your enquiry.

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      to survey your premises for asbestos?

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