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    Why Choose Us

    Amiantus is one of the few companies that has remained strictly independent. We are not involved in services such as asbestos removal or reinstatement. This means when you commission a survey from one of our national offices you can rest assured that the survey report will provide you with information that will help you formulate a management plan that is best for you and will not be biased towards unnecessary asbestos removal costs. It is not cheap to remove asbestos and in some cases it can prove to be extremely hazardous. Providing the asbestos is in good condition and unlikely to be disturbed, asbestos may remain in place for many years to come. Amiantus and our team of independent asbestos surveyors can assist you with your duty to manage asbestos in the building. We will work alongside your representative and assist you in formulating an effective asbestos management plan and risk assessment that is best for you. If the asbestos is in poor condition, and cannot be managed safely, then we will tell you. If required, we can put you in touch with accredited asbestos removal companies whom we can recommend with complete confidence. By sourcing a company that specialises in providing independent asbestos surveys you are not only on your way to meeting the requirements of the current Control of Asbestos at Work Regulations 2012, you are also providing you and your staff with a safe future.

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